Xenogenders & Neopronouns!

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”What are Neopronouns and Xenogenders?”


LGBTQIA WIKI: Neopronouns are personal pronouns coined as an alternative to existing third-person singular pronouns.[30] The prefix "neo-" means new or modern, and the term "neopronouns" has been in use for several years, though the exact origin of the term is unknown.
⸝⸝ In easy words, Neopronouns are simply “New” sets of pronouns / different pronouns that aren’t she/her, they/them, or he/him

⸝⸝ “Neopronouns are not inherently associated with any gender identity. Though they are less widely used, neopronouns can be used in speech and text, as with common personal pronouns.”

Neos and Xenogenders are a lot more commonly used by Autistic People.
The autistic understanding of social norms, the autistic understanding of gender- our fluid understanding (or lack thereof) of gender leads to such a broad and spiritual understanding of it all, leading to things like xenogenders and microlables.


NONBINARY WIKI: Xenogenders are a nonbinary gender identity "that cannot be contained by human understandings of gender; more concerned with crafting other methods of gender categorization and hierarchy such as those relating to animals, plants, or other creatures/things."

LGBTQIA WIKI: Xenogender individuals may use ideas and identities outside of the gender binary to describe themselves and avoid binary gendered identifiers, such as using only their first name or the name of an animal.[2] They may feel they cannot place a label on themselves,[3] or feel as though they lack the terms to fully express their gender or identity
The term "xenogender" itself was designed to help fill the lexical gap by using terms not typically associated with gender or describing gender with metaphors

“When people talk about nonbinary gender, they often find that there aren't any words for their experiences. This is called a lexical gap. In order to fill a lexical gap, this wiki takes up "xenogender" as an umbrella term for an entire category of nonbinary genders that are defined by characteristics with no relation whatsoever to "female" or "male." ”

Lgbtqia wiki | Nonbinary Wiki

My Neopronouns



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My Xenogenders

Fantasygender — An aesthetigender meant to represent those who feel a deep connection to supernatural mystical and fantasy beings, sometimes deemed as monsters.
Bungender — when one's gender is small, soft (in volume) and warm; fuzzy and anxious (in feeling) when one's gender feels somehow like a bunny.
Egogender — a gender which is so personal to someone that they can only describe it as "me"-gender
Ethegender — a gender where the interpretation is left up to individuals, but in essence, it is a gender that is unable to be understood by the individual and/or others, and it cannot be explained.
Kenochoric — An umbrella term centered around liminality, loneliness, nostalgia, distortion, darkness, nonhumanity, fogginess, disconnect, and similar/related concepts. It may be metaphorical, literal, or aesthetic in meaning depending on the user. (not a xenogender, its own system)
Luxcaligic — A xenogender that feels soft and delicate but at the same time/sometimes feels dark and melancholic.
Mistgender — (or mistic) is a xenogender and aesthetigender that is hard to see or invisible, similar to mist, despite still being present
Sleepygender — a gender that is characterized by feeling sleepy, soft, and tired. It can be influenced by sleep or a lack thereof.
Neurogender — a gender identity and an umbrella term to describe when someone's gender is somehow linked to their neurotype, mental illness, or neurological conditions
Nominalgender — a gender where the person’s gender is so much just them that no one else can even experience it.
Ghostgender — a xenogender identity in which one's gender feels as though it is there, but simultaneously not there, though it was once something stronger. It has become faint, and is at a stagnant point that feels strongly reminiscent of a ghost.
ghoulidolix — a gender connected to the undead/ghosts, ball jointed dolls, and horror in general.
deadthing — A gender for when you're dead, but living. A Thing walking among everyone else.
darkmythic — "a gender related to dark mythical aesthetics, including unicorns and other ethereal beings, alongside media with this aesthetic. this gender can be darker, gloomier, or more serious than typical aesthetics associated with mythical beings/things."
SeaBunnic — a gender based/related to sea bunnies!, this gender is also connected to : sea, softcore and peace!
Earlybluegreytimic — A gender related to early mornings, blueish-grey skies, and feeling as if time is almost, still, in a way.

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